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Welcome to 
Palmetto Dunes Women's Club

Palmetto Dunes Women's Club (PDWC)

The Palmetto Dunes Women’s Club is a community organization of almost 200 women.  We are comprised of owners and long-term renters (6 months or more), full and part-time residents.  Our purpose is to encourage camaraderie amongst neighbors.  

Through numerous interest groups - sporting, dining, games, reading, community involvement - a spirit of community is fostered, and friendships are developed and forged.  To encourage optimum participation, our groups meet year round at various times:  weekdays and weekends, days and evenings, some weekly, and others monthly or quarterly.

There are three membership luncheons annually and other various full membership events throughout the year.  Regardless of the activity, we always have fun - come join us!

become a member - join the fun now!                           Join us

Upcoming events

Palmetto Dunes Women's Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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